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Showing posts from August, 2016

Scholarships-Unified cyber olympiad/scholarshipsbuzz

                                 Unified cyber olympiad India has seen a great success in information technology and computers around the globe but computer education is highly fragmented without any common goal of platform. Realising the importance of computer education with a view to fortifying India's success. It motivates children to strengthen their knowledge and talent in mantel ability and logical reasoning. Proficiency in these areas will help every child to face problems related to software solutions. U.C.O goals: Streaming computer education Bringing competitiveness in computer education. Identifying talents of students in a nation wide platform. Exposing students to the latest technology.                                                         ...

Scholarships-PP Gomathi memorial scholarships/Scholarshipsbuzz

                                                   PP Gomathi memorial scholarships The main aim and objective of the trust is to encourage and to create awareness in girl students by providing financial assistance to students those who are economically backward and weaker sections of the society. The student should be of any caste caste,religion,region,language or status but she should be the citizen of India. Transgenders who are living with female identity can also apply. PP Gomathi memorial scholarship will be in the form of an annual grant to meet any expenditure relating to the academic courses the candidate had joined. Initially the total value of the grant will be one lac . The amount may be increased by the board of trustees. One would be eligible to apply the grant after securing admission in an institution affiliated to the university recogni...

Scholarships/GCSS scholarships-Scholarshipsbuzz

                      Girl child scholarship scheme(GCSS)    Science olympiad foundation is conducting a 6th Girl child scholarship scheme 2016-2017, GCSS aims to aims to encourage and empower girl students by providing financial assistance to economically poor and backward sections of the society to continue their education. It is a great platform to poor girls those who wants  to continue their education and to prove themself GCSS is providing a great platform to students to prove their talents. GCSS is providing scholarship amounting 5000 Rs  to needy students. Girls will be selected from nominations received from schools in India. Girls a great opportunity discover yourself and explore yourself. Selection criteria: School should send a proposal recommending a girl child for consideration of GCSS. Each school should recommend only one girl. The proposal should be signed by the Head mas...

scholarships/Nice scholarships-scholarshipsbuzz

                                                        NICE Scholarships National institute of career education is providing a great opportunity to students to prove their talents.It will be helpful to poor and needy students also for their education. The question paper was designed in such a way that students can develop their ability in decision making and in reasoning power. Nice is providing an important and great platform to identify the students talents and also for strengthening their ideas and creativity. The Nice group has taken a great task of searching young talents to prove their knowledge through this scholarship exam. This is a self assessment event indicating your readiness to take up new challenge in education sector.  So its a great event to explore and discover yourself.   Eligibility 5 th to Intermediate stu...